At Bethany Medical Clinic, the physicians offer vaccinations to those residing in New York, New York to ensure patients, both young and old, are feeling their best.
Frequently Asked Questions
A vaccine is a type of medicine that’s designed to develop antibodies to protect against certain medical conditions, some of which are life-threatening or cause paralysis.
Bethany Medical Center offers vaccines ranging from the flu vaccine to an MMR vaccine to the varicella vaccine. They even offer the human papillomavirus vaccine, which protects against a common sexually transmitted disease that can lead to cervical cancer.
It’s recommended that everyone gets vaccinated. There’s a vaccination schedule implemented that aids in helping people determine what age is safe to give vaccines at and what vaccines are needed. By the time a child is 2, he or she should have vaccines to protect against 14 preventable diseases.
It’s important to vaccinate because some of the diseases can cause a person to become permanently disabled or even die. In addition, schools require children to be vaccinated in order to attend, unless the child is unable to receive a vaccination. Without the vaccines, it’s possible for the person to contract the disease and spread it to those who are unable to receive the vaccination or those who are too young to get the vaccine.
There are 16 conditions that vaccines prevent against. Pertussis, or a whooping cough, is one condition that vaccines protect against. Others include hepatitis B, diphtheria, hepatitis A, HIV disease, pneumococcal, rubella, tetanus, polio, and rotovirus.
Prior to a person leaving the country, he or she should discuss with a healthcare provider which vaccines are needed to protect against disease only common overseas. It’s vital for the person to tell the practitioner where he or she is traveling.
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