STD Testing
Dr. Peters offers patients in the area of New York, New York access to testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Patients can visit Bethany Medical Clinic to receive the treatment and education regarding safe sex practices which can stop the spread of STDs.
Frequently Asked Questions
A sexually transmitted disease, known as an “STD,” is a disease contracted through sexual contact, either through penetration or oral sex. Individuals can contract the disease through anal or vaginal sex.
Bethany Medical Center will test for the more common STDs, such as herpes, syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are urine tests, while the others are tested via the blood. Not everyone requires testing for all STDs; therefore, a practitioner at Bethany Medical Center will discuss the patient’s sexual history and which body parts are used during sexual activities, among other questions. Some STDs are rare in the U.S. and are only tested for if the patient has had sexual intercourse with an individual from another country and all other explanations for the symptoms have been exhausted. Generally, patients aren’t tested for the human papilloma virus (HPV) since it tends to go away by itself, but a patient may be tested if requested or cancer is suspected because it can contribute to cancer.
Not every STD has serious symptoms that are noticeable to the patient such as a rash or pain during urination. Not to mention — not every patient experiences symptoms of the disease. It’s important for anyone who has had unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners to get tested. It’s beneficial for both partners to undergo STD testing prior to entering into a relationship.
The results are kept discreet, but, depending on the disease, they may need to be reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
No, it’s not necessary for a minor to have parental consent to have the testing done. It’s not required for the physician to report the results back to the minor’s parents.
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