Flu Shot
Keeping up-to-date on immunizations, such as flu shots, are important preventative measures for best health practices. The physicians at Bethany Medical Clinic provide immunizations for patients in New York, New York.
Frequently Asked Questions
Flu vaccines stimulate antibodies in the body to arise and protect against the flu. Generally, the antibodies develop two weeks after the vaccination. Researchers determine what strains of the flu will be most prevalent during the season. These are the strains the flu shot is designed to protect against. It’s also possible to get the flu vaccine to protect against the three original flu viruses.
A child as young as the age of 6 months may get certain varieties of the flu shot. However, age does play a role in which flu vaccine is best for the patient. People who are over the age of 65 require a different vaccination.
It’s recommended that everyone over the age of 6 months should get vaccinated each flu season. It’s especially important for those who are at high risk for having complications from the flu. This includes children under the age of 5. Additionally, those who have kidney problems, asthma, endocrine disorders, liver disorders, a weakened immune system, or those who have heart problems should also get vaccinated each flu season.
A person should get a flu vaccination to prevent against the flu since it can cause serious complications including dehydration. With younger children, those with certain medical conditions or those with a weakened immune system, the flu is even more serious. The flu has the potential to be deadly, especially in the elderly and in younger children.
The patient may experience symptoms such as a low-grade fever, a runny nose, a headache, or muscle aches. A site reaction is possible. In some cases, the patient may faint.
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