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Dermal Fillers

The physicians at Bethany Medical Clinic are skilled providers of dermal filler products aimed at reducing the appearance of lines, wrinkles and skin creases in the face. Women and men from throughout New York, New York can visit our office for dermal fillers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dermal fillers are an injectable treatment that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It gives a person a more attractive appearance. Additionally, dermal fillers can be used to plump or volumize lips and the cheeks.

It takes less than 30 minutes. The results last up to four months.

Dermal fillers aren’t as dangerous as Botox. Botox affects the muscles and nerves to give a more youthful appearance; on the other hand, dermal fillers apply a substance that fills in the area behind the wrinkles to remove them.

There’s a risk of an allergic reaction. It may also cause tiny bumps under the skin. The bumps usually go away, but may be permanent. Skin discoloration, usually a bluish color, are possible. Blindness and nerve paralysis are possible. The ones that last longer tend to have more side effects.

Hydraulic acid is one of the most common fillers used. It’s used to stimulate the body’s natural ability to produce collagen. Hydraulic wrinkle fillers include Belotera Balance, Elevess, HylaForm, Juvederm, Restalyne, and Perlane. There’s also the possibility of using a filler of collagen that just goes into the skin and doesn’t stimulate anything. The collagen is taken from cow collagen. However, the collagen injections don’t last as long. They tend to start breaking down as soon as a month after the injection is given. Some examples include ArteFill, Evolence, Zyderm, and Zyplast. Lab-made fillers are also used, but these aren’t derived from anything that’s found naturally in the body, which increases a person’s risk of having side effects. They are longer lasting, though. Analogous wrinkle fillers use fat removed from the person’s stomach or buttock as a filler. It requires two different procedures, but it can be done in one visit. The results are semi-permanent.


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