Because the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, when a person gets the flu and develops fever and cough, it will be impossible to tell before testing: is this flu or is this COVID-19? Every fall we recommend that all New Yorkers get the flu shot, but this fall it is even more essential as it will prevent you from needing to…
The Metabolism is the system that turns the food you eat into energy that your body can use. A fast metabolism produces energy at a faster rate, giving you more energy throughout the day and allowing you to consume more calories without gaining weight. The most common tip for boosting your metabolism is to work out: regular high-intensity work-outs, heavy…
Many of us have heard that donating plasma can save lives, but what does this mean, am I eligible, and how do I do it? What is plasma? Plasma is the largest component of your blood, making up about 55% of it. Plasma contains mostly enzymes, salt, and water, but it also has other important parts such as antibodies. Antibodies…
The immune system is the system in your body that protects against diseases. Especially during a time when there is a virus spreading around the world, having a strong immune can help you fight against it if you happen to get infected. Here are some easy ways you can boost your immune system and improve your overall health: 1. Sleep…