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How to Alleviate Stress This Holiday Season

How to Alleviate Stress This Holiday Season

The time has come for the holiday season festivities to start. While this season should be filled with heartfelt and joyous family time, for others, it can be one of the most stressful periods of the year. Whether the pressure of being around family at gatherings spikes your anxiety or you arejust struggling with a lack of time and money,…

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What are the most addictive drugs?

What are the most addictive drugs?

Cocaine, Heroin, Alcohol, Nicotine and Methamphetamine are the most addictive drugs. But, an individual’s addiction depends on a variety of factors. Some people think that access to a drug is the primary factor in how addictive it will become. In reality, access to addictive drugs opens the door to addiction, but addiction is really a disease of the brain circuitry…

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Why you NEED a flu shot:

Why you NEED a flu shot:

Because the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, when a person gets the flu and develops fever and cough, it will be impossible to tell before testing: is this flu or is this COVID-19? Every fall we recommend that all New Yorkers get the flu shot, but this fall it is even more essential as it will prevent you from needing to…

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