We offer COVID-19 antibody and swab testing for past and active infection, Click here to learn more

Travel Medicine Specialist

Are you taking an international trip?
We offer a full travel consultation and can give you the vaccinations and medications that you need for safe travel.

Travel Medicine begins with a pre-travel consultation, which tailors destination-specific advice to the individual traveler. Depending on the specific travel itinerary, health and immunization history, current medications, type of travel (business, leisure, adventure, off the beaten track, organized tour, etc.) a plan is created to keep you safe and healthy. This often includes information on food and water precautions, prevention and self treatment of travelers’ diarrhea, vaccine preventable disease and strategies for prevention of local diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. At Bethany Medical Clinic of New York we provide the full array of routine, recommended and required vaccines for travel.

We provide services to both individuals and groups who participate in adventure travel, corporate travel and mission organizations. During your office visit, we will:

Use the most current travel disease database
Advise you on required and/or recommended immunizations
Administer vaccinations during initial visit
Provide necessary prescriptions
Provide International Certificate of Vaccination

Travel Vaccines offered at Bethany Medical Clinic of NY:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Tetanus / Diphtheria / Pertussis
Typhoid oral (Vivotif)
Yellow Fever


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